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February 1916 - the 3rd year of the 1st World War and Zeppelins were carrying out air raids on Britain, the battle of Verdun was about to happen, and George V was King. Charlie Chaplin signed a contract with Mutual to make his most successful films including The Vagabond. Following a letter in Fur & Feather in December 1915, (left) from Mr T.Patterson Riddle, his second letter (below) appeared on 18th February, 1916, informing the Mouse Fancy of the formation of a new club for London. Later the Club announced its first Open Show would be on Whit-Monday in conjunction with the Wood Green Fanciers’ Association. Over one hundred years later the London & Southern Counties Mouse & Rat Club continues to meet. Only a few years ago they were holding shows in Enfield which was only a short distance from Wood Green where it all began.


Some old articles from the archives:

In the last ten years I have often heard it suggested that a London Mouse Club should be formed. Such a club would in no way be antagonistic to the National Mouse and Rat Club, but should prove a great help to that organisation. I think that at the present time a London club, with a good secretary and a few energetic members, could do a great deal towards keeping the Fancy together in these times of stress. Metropolitan fanciers banded together, and working for the same object, could do far more than each fancier working separately. At different periods we have had many fanciers living within, say, fifteen or twenty miles of Charing Cross, and as the Mouse Fancy is eminently suited to town dwellers, I am sure that it only needs a few workers to set the ball rolling to ensure a strong club being formed. Mr.A.E.Baker, of Stoke Newington, is, I know, of the same opinion, and has consented to act as secretary.
I suggest, as the objects of the club, that we help local fanciers to run a few open classes for Mice in connection with their shows, and that, if need be, we guarantee a few classes at regular periods or run small shows on our own; that we recommend judges and offer help, in stewarding, etc., to societies giving us classes. Then it is some years since the N.M.C. show was held in London. Why not get together now and make a strong bid for it next year. As an example, look what the Bristol Mouse Club has done. The West has had a pretty good innings, and has done great things for the Fancy. I don’t think they would with-hold their support if we beat them at the poll. Now, fanciers, be ye old hand or novice, let us know what you think of the idea. Whether for or against, write something, just to show that you have the welfare of the Mouse Fancy at heart. 


Mr.A.E.Baker sent out an invitation to London Mouse Fanciers to meet at his house on Feb. 5th. The meeting was a small one, but those present were full of enthusiasm. Mr. Baker proposed, Mr. Scott seconded that a club be formed, to be called the London Mouse & Rat Club, with a radius of 20 miles from Charing Cross, the subscription to be 2s. 6d. per annum. For private reasons Mr. Baker could not feel justified in taking the secretaryship, so I offered to do so.
The objects of the club are to encourage the breeding and exhibiting of Mice and Rats in the London area, to try to obtain open classes at shows round London; to help local secretaries with such classes; to suggest classifications and judges’ names; to provide stewards, guarantees, etc; in fact, if necessary, to run shows on our own. For weel or woe the club is now a going concern, and I shall be glad to hear from prospective members, or from any society willing to give a few classes. My address is, 51, Pellatt Grove, Wood Green, N. Wire, write, or call.




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Updated 19 March, 2025

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