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The Club has a show, usually on the first Saturday of every month at a venue to be arranged (usually Harlow, Enfield, or Meldreth) and most start at 10.30am. Parking is limited at some show halls so please be “economic” when parking at one of these. You can view our show calendar page for a schedule of our shows for the year.


The MICE and RATS are judged by experienced judges drawn from the Club’s Judging Panel. The Show Standards (Breed Standards) for MICE are those of the National Mouse Club (NMC).



It is not absolutely essential to be a member of the National Mouse Club in order to exhibit at LSCMRC Shows, but you are encouraged to join to see the Fancy from a wider perspective. (You cannot exhibit at some NMC Shows unless you are a member).


The mice must be exhibited in a standard Maxey Show cage (named after Walter Maxey - the founder of the Mouse Fancy), OR in the LSCMRC show pens. The Club owns a number of these pens which may be hired for use at the show at a modest charge AND BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT. (If you wish to show at an Open Show  then you must own your own Maxey Show Cages - as the Club pens cannot be used at Open Shows.



The RATS are judged to Standards laid down by the National Fancy Rat Society, but you do not have to be a member of the NFRS to show at LSCMRC Shows. However, you will gain more from your hobby if you do join, and the NFRS publish a Journal, Pro-Rata. Fancy Rats are exhibited in standard plastic show pens. The LSCMRC owns a limited quantity of pens which may be used by prior request on payment of a hiring charge.

Entering for a Show
Entering for a show is easy - it is easiest via our website - complete the entry form and submit. That's it! If you don't have email then a phone call or letter to the show secretary is acceptable provided it arrives prior to the closing time. Your exhibits will be entered on the Club’s computerised show system (Showprog) and you will receive a confirmation of your entries - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - any mistakes cannot be rectified later. You can pay online prior to the show if that is more convenient. If not we can take card payments at the show and cash.


On arrival at the show your pen labels will be ready. Stick the labels on the pens and pay the entry fees if you haven't already. Showprog produces labels for the prize cards. Then place your entries on the benches and sit back to watch the judging!


Please note: All entries must be paid for whether or not the exhibits are present at the show. If you need to withdraw an entry, please let the show secretary know as soon as possible.

SHOWS  - and how to enter

Shows are held in 2025 every month except January and August.

email us for further information

© 2025 by LSCMRC

Updated 19 March, 2025

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