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Striped Roan

NFRS Standard for Striped Roan


Section: Marked


A strikingly marked bi-colour variety with roan colouration, symmetry and contrast being important impressions. Clearly distinct from existing marked varieties.
Pattern: The striped Roan shall have as symmetrical markings as possible. The chest, belly, sides and all the legs to be completely white.
Head: A wide inverted V shaped blaze including the whisker bed, coming as close to the eyes as possible without touching the eyes, and coming to a point between the ears. Jaw line and underside of the head must be white. Eye colour to conform to the standard for the base colour.
Body: From the head, the colour runs back covering the ears and continues along the body with no suggestion of a hood, in an unbroken horizontal stripe, symmetrical and as straight as possible. The stripe to be approximately 5cm wide. Demarcation shall be as clear cut and even as possible.
Tail: Unmarked preferred.
Faults: White spots in coloured fur/coloured spots in white fur. Brindled demarcation line, demarcation line too low. Lack of white on face or a completely white face. Stripe too narrow or broken, any suggestions of a hood.

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